Laila Laperriere

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

~A beautiful day outside of SL~

I dont have a posed shot to show you. Nothing to do with an avatar or a virtual world.When I woke up this morning, I looked out my bedroom window and saw this glorious sunrise. It was so beautiful, I had to be a part of it. Throwing my clothes on, with a thermal and a hoodie I was expecting the weather to be freezing, but it wasnt.  I grabbed my droid, and headed a few steps down to the lake. I was in awe at how pretty and new everything looked. After taking a few photos, I sat on a low block wall, and began to video shoot the lake. The sounds you hear in the background is the morning taking its place and setting the pace for the day. Life is beautiful. So is Southern California.  Have a great day!


1 comment:

Mayala Loon said...

Beautiful ... not much that can beat such moments ...
Thanks for sharing ;-)